NEWS 2014

November 20, 2014

The CHUM Research Center received a LEED GOLD-NC

On November 20th, 2014, the CHUM Research Center received a LEED GOLD-NC Certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for New Construction).  LEED GOLD is the highest distinction awarded to ecological buildings and it is also a mark of excellence recognized world wide.

It should be mentioned, that the certification process, initiated in 2010, was to obtain a LEED Silver Certification.  But thanks to hard work and commitment sustained for four years by the design team, the construction contractors and the LEED Coordinator, the project achieved the GOLD Certification.  Such a result, that exceeds all expectation, is a true sign of sustained and continuous commitment of the entire team.

November 14, 2014

Groupe Jean Coutu, Varennes

Groupe Jean Coutu inc. is presently going ahead in constructing new headquaters in Varennes, Québec, which will cover an approximate surface of 900 000 square feet, with 650 000 square feet dedicated to the distribution center and 250 000 square feet dedicated to the new offices of the headquater.

Lambert Somec has been mandated to perform all the electrical installation in these new facilities.

This "fast track" project is scheduled to be completed by July 2015.

November 14, 2014

Tour SSQ, Longueuil

Lambert Somec was awarded the contract to perform all electrical installations in the new Tour SSQ in Longueuil, Québec.

This 12 storey office building incorporates two levels of underground parking and one level of commercial rental space.

November 14, 2014

CHUM Research Center "Project of the Year 2014"

The CHUM Research Center has won the award for "Project of the Year 2014" by the Project Management Institute (PMI)-Montréal.  The jury qualified the construction project of the CHUM Research Center a true feat, in regards to the on time Schedule and targeted budget, despite a very high level of technical complexity, organisation and logistics.

In obtaining this prestigious award, the CHUM Research Center becomes a nominee for the international Project of the Year (POY) for PMI.

September 17, 2014

Hydro Technology (Canada) inc.

As part of its expansion project, Hydro Technology (Canada) inc. has awarded to Lambert Somec a contract to supply and install mechanical equipments, piping networks and ventilation within the existing facilities, the new facilities and the train and truck loadouts.

January 14, 2014

La Coopérative Fédérée

January 6, 2014 - Lambert Somec is proud to announce it has been awarded a general contracting from "La Coop Fédérée" for the renewal and improvement of the HVAC systems at the 9001, L'Acadie Boulevard plant in Montréal.

In collaboration with Kelvin Emtech, the project involves the replacement of chillers, boilers, pumps, heat exchangers and humidification systems.  These major electromechanical renovation works should be completed in spring 2014.

Life at Lambert Somec

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